Oracle/PLSQL: FOR Loop
The syntax for the FOR Loop is:
FOR loop_counter IN [REVERSE] lowest_number..highest_numberLOOP {.statements.}END LOOP;
You would use a FOR Loop when you want to execute the loop body a fixed number of times.
译:当你需循环体执行一定的次数的时候,就可以使用 FOR Loop 。
Let's take a look at an example.
FOR Lcntr IN 1..20LOOP LCalc := Lcntr * 31;END LOOP;
This example will loop 20 times. The counter will start at 1 and end at 20.
译:这个示例将会循环 20 次,计数器将会从 1 到 20 。
The FOR Loop can also loop in reverse. For example:
译: FOR 循环也可以反向循环(这里就是计数器从高到低),如:
FOR Lcntr IN REVERSE 1..15LOOP LCalc := Lcntr * 31;END LOOP;
This example will loop 15 times. The counter will start at 15 and end at 1. (loops backwards)